Hi, I'm a 19 year old student based in the heart of England, London and I've always had a passion for games and a great respect for their writers, developers etc.
I'd consider myself to be quite an opinionated individual and the industry these days has a lot of 'half-hearted' games being pushed into it with the odd exception of a gem being released so this blog shall contain my views/reviews on the games I've enjoyed playing and the games I've detested playing!
Welcome to my VideoGameBlog and thanks for visiting!
(All pictures are screenshots I've taken myself from gameplay on a PS4 system)
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is possibly one of the most progressive games so far when it comes to next-gen releases. The prologue to the long awaited Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain acts as an introduction to an all new form of Metal Gear, letting you play through things how you please, releasing a lot of the rigidity form previous games in the Metal Gear series where you're set an objective and follow it to progress with the story. Of course it still has the ground breaking story Hideo Kojima has been bringing us for almost 30 years now, but you have a bit more freedom with this new Metal Gear and can progress with the story however you see fit; whether that be filled with intense firefights and extraction under heavy fire or a stealthy approach, sneaking around, knocking guards out with CQC and tranquillisers. Whichever way you decide to play this Metal Gear, you'll truly love it and will appreciate the work thats been put into this title from Kojima Productions.
Snake Enjoying A Cigar In The Chopper On The Title Screen
Kojima Productions developed an entire new engine for the new Metal Gear Solid, the Fox Engine. This new engine is truly something quite special, in fact it is so spectacular that the games cutscenes and trailer are all made completely out of gameplay footage. Every year we get CGI (Computer Generated Imaging) trailers that make games look absolutely superb and we all get excited for them and think wow this is going to be beyond amazing! Yet the game comes out and doesn't look half as good... With the new Metal Gear, that's a thing of the past as all the trailers we saw were in fact game footage! No CGI whatsoever and the game it self hasn't let us down one bit! The entire game looks like one of those 'wow' CGI trailers and the cutscenes flow into the gameplay with no breaks whatsoever, almost like an interactive movie.
Snake Gazing Down Into Camp Omega (Guantanamo Bay) During Extraction
The new engine has improved gameplay by leaps and bound also (quite literally). Snake can now jump from objects, rooftops etc. Drive vehicles, dive, hang, vault. You name it and Snake can pretty much do it in this new Metal Gear.
Snake Taking In The View From A Rooftop
Snake moves in such a lifelike way too and the facial capture Hideo Kojima has been speaking about for the past couple years to empathise emotions within the characters just adds to the realism 100%. Not only that but the voice acting of the game is truly passionate and believable. For instance, when you rescue a prisoner from Camp Omega, their voice trembles, they sound exhausted and confused.
Rescuing One Of Camp Omega's Inmates
The new Metal Gear Solid really impresses and I personally cannot wait for the full game that is The Phantom Pain to be released. The Metal Gear story will finally come to an end with Big Boss' final decent where "men become demons" in 'Outer Heaven'. Ground Zeroes overall is as fun as you make it due to the freedom of this new Metal Gear, the lifespan of the game is quite short however due to it only being a prologue and an introduction to The Phantom Pain.
Inside Camp Omega
The visuals, gameplay and story are all very impressive so overall I'd give Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes a 10/10. Bravo to Hideo Kojima and his team at Kojima Productions, truly amazing work as always!
Snake Sitting In The Chopper
Finally, here's the E3 2014 trailer for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain! Enjoy!
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